Seafood from Around the Globe.
Marx Imports sources and supplies premium meat programs from Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Europe and the USA to specialty distributors nationwide. Marx Imports also provides industry expertise, marketing and sales support to build and bolster superior meat selections and markets.
Marx Foodservice supplies foodservice professionals with premium and specialty meats and seafood, including unique selections and cuts not commonly carried by other distributors. Marx Foodservice serves chefs and restaurants across the country.
The Marx family emigrated from Germany in 1884. The first generation soon set up a cattle dealing business in the New York Metropolitan area, establishing the foundation on which The Marx Companies are built. In the following decades, the family grew the company into a large meat processor and further expanded wholesale, foodservice and direct-to-consumer distribution. Today, The Marx Companies serves these distinct markets with specialized, hands-on customer support and industry expertise with offices in Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey and Seattle, Washington.